Clone the Repository with GitHub Desktop


After you’ve created a repository on the remote, the next step is to clone it to your local environment.

gif of following the directions below

  1. Sign in to and GitHub Desktop.
  2. On, navigate to the Code tab of the repository.
  3. On the right side of the screen, click Clone or download.
  4. Click Open in Desktop. This will open GitHub Desktop.
  5. Select where you’d like to save it locally under Local Path
  6. Click Clone.
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Remote vs. Local Repositories

Let’s take a moment to define a couple of important terms:

A remote repository is the copy of your project that is housed on You access this copy through a unique URL.

A local repository is a copy of the remote repository that you have cloned to your computer. This copy includes all of the files, history, and branches in your project.

In this class, you will make changes to this local repository and then sync them with the copy of your project on

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