Review the Local GitHub Flow


Now that you are a collaborator, let’s use the local workflow we just learned to make changes to this repository.

gif of following the directions below

  1. Start from the Code tab of the class repository on
  2. Click on Clone or Download.
  3. Click Open in Desktop. This will open GitHub Desktop.
  4. Confirm the Local Path as the place you’d like to store the repository locally.
  5. Create a branch by clicking “Branch > New Branch” and label it with your username, something like yourUsername-add-page.
  6. In your favorite text editor, add a file to the _pages directory. Include your GitHub handle in the filename: username.yaml.
  7. Enter the following content into your file:

    githubHandle: YOUR-USERNAME
    timestamp: TODAYS-DATE-YYYY-MM-DD
  8. Ensure you’ve replaced YOUR-USERNAME with your GitHub Username, YOUR-SITES-URL with the URL to your site (which should be, and TODAYS-DATE-YYYY-MM-DD with today’s date, using a 4-digit year, 2-digit month, and 2-digit day. For example, if today is October 17, 2016, you would enter: 2016-10-17.
  9. On GitHub Desktop, within the Changes side bar, ensure your file is checked.
  10. On GitHub Desktop, enter a commit message describing the change you’re introducing to the project.
  11. On GitHub Desktop, click the Commit to YOUR-BRANCH button – ensure YOUR-BRANCH includes your username.
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Reviewing the GitHub Flow

Remember, the 5 steps of GitHub Flow are:

  1. Create a branch :arrow_left: (This section deals with this step.)
  2. Make commits :arrow_left: (And this one.)
  3. Open a Pull Request
  4. Collaborate, and make more commits
  5. Merge the Pull Request

Hopefully this looks familiar since you’ve followed this workflow (at least) twice. Now you will follow it once more to add your page to our directory.

Stuck? Open an issue in the repository for this class and mention @githubteacher for help from one of the GitHub trainers!