Make Local Changes With Git

It’s time to create the home page for your website.

gif of following the directions below

The next steps are determined by if you used a GitHub Pages theme or decided to just enable GitHub Pages on your repository.

I am using a GitHub Pages theme
  1. Open the file named
  2. Remove the template text that was added to when you selected your theme.
  3. In, include at least the following two lines. Bonus points for including more information.

    # Hello World!
    My name is <GITHUB-USERNAME>
  4. Save your changes and close the text editor.
I am not using a GitHub Pages theme
  1. Create a new file named index.html.
  2. In index.html, include at least the following two lines. Bonus points for including more information, or using Jekyll Themes to create a more robust site.

    <h1> Hello World! </h1>
    <p> My name is <GITHUB-USERNAME> </p>
  3. Save your file inside your repository folder, and close the text editor.
Tell me why

Your First Website

For this activity, we are focusing on the steps for working with a repository with and your local environment. If you are not familiar with web design, that’s ok. These instructions will create a very basic, unformatted page.

There are several tools you can use in combination with GitHub Pages to create a beautiful website. For example, you can download one of the themes on or you can create a regular HTML page. The possibilities are endless!

Stuck? Open an issue in the repository for this class and mention @githubteacher for help from one of the GitHub trainers!