Introduction to GitHub


We’re Glad You’re Here :octocat:

This course is designed to get you started using GitHub in less than an hour.
If you need help along the way, check out the step-by-step video below in the “Show Me How” section.

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Use the website to complete the GitHub workflow
  • Collaborate with new friends on a fun project
  • Add your pin to the map!

Are you ready? Click the Continue button below to see what’s next.

Show me how
Tell me why

What is GitHub?

We are glad you asked! Many people stumble onto GitHub through one of the millions of Open Source projects it holds or because their employer or professor is using it. Why do these projects use GitHub?

At its heart, GitHub is a collaboration platform.

People around the world use GitHub to collaborate on projects ranging from software to policy documents and cookbooks. You can share your projects with the world and invite your friends to help, or you can keep your projects private and still have easy access wherever you are.

GitHub is also a powerful version control tool.

While you are collaborating, GitHub uses Git (open source, distributed version control software) to keep track of every change made to your project.

GitHub is so much more.

GitHub is used to build some of the most powerful applications in the world. It can do a lot of really cool things, but this class is going to focus on getting you started with the basics. We will dig in to the rest later!

Stuck? Open an issue in the repository for this class and mention @githubteacher for help from one of the GitHub trainers!