Shoptocat and Supportcat Help

Since we customized the resume to include our information, we should include our current professional experience. To include our experience we need to modify the experience.yml file.

instructions for this activity

  1. In your imported version of the repository, checkout to the branch named: username-experience.
  2. While on that branch, open the _data/experience.yml file.
  3. Modify the content on lines 2 through 6 and 15 through 19 making sure to provide information in the company, position, duration, and summary lines.

    Later you can go back and modify the experience.yml to be consistent with your experience.

  4. After making the changes, create a commit, an example commit message might be: Add my experience.

    If you made the changes on your local machine, push your changes back to repository on GitHub.

  5. Create a new pull request. Use the base: of master and the compare: of username-experience.
  6. Click Create pull request.
  7. In the This branch has conflicts that must be resolved section of the pull request, click the Resolve conflicts button to resolve the merge conflict.
  8. It would appear that Shoptocat and Supportcat recently made changes to the master branch and modified the same file you did, this is what is causing the merge conflicts. Similar to when we had to resolve a merge conflict with Mummytocat’s changes, remove Shoptocat and Supportcat’s contributions from the experience.yml file. If you need a refresher on how to resolve a merge conflict, check the I need a refresher section below.

    In the video instructions above, you might notice that @beardofedu ran into 2 conflicts in the same file. That is because they edited lines 2 - 6 and 15 - 19, so Git identified the two changes within the file as two separate conflicts. Had they edited lines 2 - 19, it would have been one merge conflict.


  9. With the merge conflict markers removed, click Mark as resolved
  10. Click Commit merge.
  11. With the merge conflicts resolved, click Merge pull request.


I need a refresher

To remove the merge conflict, we should identify the content we want to keep and the content we want to remove. Then, remove the unnecessary content, and remove all conflict markers.

Stuck? Open an issue in the repository for this class and mention @githubteacher for help from one of the GitHub trainers!