Skatetocat’s Simple Conflict

We need to modify the resume template so it contains our information. Using the GitHub Flow, we can make those changes by:

instructions for this activity

  1. In your imported version of the repository, checkout to the branch named: username-config.
  2. While on that branch, open the _config.yml file.
  3. Modify lines 12-19 with your information. If you would prefer to create a fictional resume, your favorite fictional character’s information.
  4. After making the changes, create a commit, an example commit message might be: Add my information.

    If you made the changes on your local machine, push your changes back to repository on GitHub.

  5. Create a new pull request. Use the base: of master and the compare: of username-config.
  6. Although GitHub reports that you can’t automatically merge these changes, you can still start the pull request. Click Create pull request.
  7. In the This branch has conflicts that must be resolved section of the pull request, click the Resolve conflicts button to resolve the merge conflict.
  8. It would appear that Skatetocat recently made changes to the master branch and modified the exact same line you did, this is what caused the merge conflict to occur. Click “Resolve conflicts”, and remove Skatetocat’s contributions to the master branch by deleting all of the content below the ======= and above the >>>>>>> master content.


  9. We still can’t mark as resolved because we need to remove the merge conflict markers. Delete the following lines: <<<<<<< username-config, =======, and >>>>>>> master.
  10. With the merge conflict markers removed, click Mark as resolved.
  11. Click Commit merge.
  12. Congratulations, you successfully resolved a merge conflict! Go ahead and merge the pull request.
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