Get Started with Electron

Welcome to the first in a series of courses on Electron!

Electron allows you to create native desktop applications using web technologies.

Environment Setup

Before we get started, let’s identify the things you are going to need to be successful in this course.

We will be using Node.js packages that are not maintained by GitHub. This means that we chose these packages because we believe they will make the easiest, smoothest path to get up and running. However, as you continue to work with Electron, there may be other packages that are better fits for your projects.

Software Skills

If you are already familiar with HTML, CSS, and Javascript then adding Electron to your toolkit will be :cake:. For this course, the basics are more than enough.

What if I’m still learning?

Don’t worry. We’ll walk you through what you need to get today’s app running, even if you don’t have much experience in these technologies.

What counts as familiar enough?

Creating an app on your own requires the same level of proficiency that you’d need to create that app for the browser. If you are just getting started, here are a few free courses to consider:

What if I have questions?

We’ve created a repository for you! If you have any questions throughout this course, go here to open an issue and ask a question: On Demand Electron App Repo.

Stuck? Open an issue in the repository for this class and mention @githubteacher for help from one of the GitHub trainers!