Adding a New Subproject


git submodule add

git commit -m "adding new submodule"

The submodule add command adds a new file called .gitmodules along with a subdirectory containing the files from example-submodule. Both are added to your index (staging area) and you simply need to commit them. The submodule’s history remains independent of the parent project.


git subtree add --prefix=example-submodule master --squash

The subtree command adds a subdirectory containing the files from example-submodule. The most common practice is to use the --squash option to combine the subproject’s history into a single commit, which is then grafted onto the existing tree of the parent project. You can omit the --squash option to maintain all of the history from the designated branch of the subproject.

Viewing a Diff of the Subproject


To view a diff of the submodule:

git diff --cached example-submodule
git diff --cached --submodule example-submodule


No special command required

Cloning a Repository with a Subproject


Anyone who clones will need to:

git clone --recursive URL

Anyone who already has a local copy of the repo will need to:

git submodule update --init


No special command required

Pulling in Subproject Updates


git submodule update --remote

If you have more than one submodule, you can add the name of the submodule to the end of the command to specify which subproject to update.

By default, this will update the submodule and check out to the default branch of the submodule remote.

You can change the default branch with:

git config -f .gitmodules submodule.example-submodule.branch other-branch


git subtree pull --prefix=example-submodule master --squash

You can shorten the command by adding the subtree URL as a remote:

git remote add sub-remote

You can add/pull from other refs by replacing master with the desired ref (e.g. stable, v1.0).

Making Changes to a Subproject

In most cases, it is considered best practice to make changes in the subproject repository and pull them in to the parent project. When this is not practical, follow these instructions:


Access the submodule directory and create a branch:

cd example-submodule
git checkout -b branch-name master

Changes require two commits, one in the subproject repository and one in the parent repository.


No special command required, changes will be committed on the parent project branch.

It is possible to create commits mixing changes to the subproject and the parent project, but this is generally discouraged.

Pushing Changes to the Subproject Repository


While in the submodule directory:

git push

Or while in the parent directory:

git push --recurse-submodules=on-demand


git subtree push --prefix= example-submodule master

Helpful Configs for Submodules

Always show the submodule log when you diff:

git config --global diff.submodule log

Show a short summary of submodule changes in your status message:

git config status.submoduleSummary true

See the diffs in all of your submodules:

git config alias.sdiff "git diff; git submodule foreach 'git diff'"